lördag 29 januari 2011

History of Kosovo part 2 / By kosovo.net

Additional Historical Links

From the Old Photo Album
Serb Orthodox children from Kosovo and Metohija, the end of XIX century
Who Are Serbs An article on all major characteristic of the Serbian people, its culture, religion and way of life.
To Understand Serbs - look at their art in Kosovo By Waldemar Januszczak - the author approaches the Serb identity through their artistic achievements in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.
History of Serbia and Montenegro A concise historical survey of Serbia and Montenegro until the Kosovo war.
Montenegro - The Serbian Land
Collection of articles and texts on the Serb Identity of Montenegro. Serbian identity of Montenegro is not a political construction of our times but an ethnic reality.

Montenegrin Prince-bishop
Petar II Petrovic Njegos
The Mountain Wreath - English translation
There is no other literary work with which the Serbs identify more
The Sabre and the Song
NJEGOS: The Mountain Wreath

by Dr. Edward Dennis Goy
"For the Montenegrins their very being related back to the great Serbian medieval state which had perished, traditionally, at the battle of Kosovo in 1389 and of whose Serbian Orthodox Christian culture they were the sole free representatives"
Serb Land of Bosnia Historic documents and charters proving that Serbs in Bosnia were always people on their own and that the greatest Bosnian kings had a title "King of Serbs" and were crowned in the Serbian Orthodox monastery of Mileseva, in front of holy relics of St. Sava of Serbia - the first archbishop. Bosnian versus Serbian identity is a political construction of our times especially forwarded by Bosnian Moslems in search of their identity.
Islam Under Swastika, by Carl Savich The Grand Mufti and the Nazi Protectorate of Bosnia-Hercegovina, 1941-1945. Like Moslems in Kosovo and Sanjak (Raska) Bosnian Moslems eagerly greeted Nazism and many of them took part in worst attrocities committed against Christian population, primarily Serbs. It is not by chance that in our times Bosnian Moslems sought support of Islamic fundamentalists and mujaheddins from Arabian countries again against Christian population.

Heinrich Himmler inspects the Bosnian Muslim 13th Waffen SS Division
Heinrich Himmler, arguably the number two after Hitler and the mastermind and architect of the Final Solution and the Holocaust, inspects the Bosnian Muslim 13th Waffen SS Division Hanjar. This division of 20.000 Bosnian Muslims killed thousands of Americans in Italiy, fighting the 5th U.S.Army division for six months. After the Americans broke through the lines this Division returned to Yugoslavia. Thir new task was to maintain the railway link between the Balkans and Auschwitz. Hanjar - the Arabic for a "dagger" (throat-slitter) was exactly what they did to 300.000 Serbs and 60.000 Jews in Bosnia during the WWII. Shown to the left of Himmler is the SS Brigadier General Karl G. Sauberzweig, commander of the Hanjar division. This photograph appears in the Uniforms Organizations and History of the Waffen SS by R. Bender and Hugh Taylor. The orginal photograph is on display at the Imperial War Museum in London.
More about the involvement of the Bosnian Moslem leaders, especially Mr. Izetbegovic, with mujaheddins in Bosnia you may see on the following pages which contains a few videos in mpg. format. The Serbs in Bosnia could by no means accept a rule of Islamic fundamentalists and that was one of the basic reasons of their opposition to the Western unilateral recognition of independent Bosnia and Hercegovina with domination of Izetbegovic's party.
Manasija Monastery
Manastija Monastery, eastern Serbia

Ruza Petrovic, Marina Blagojevic

The Migration of Serbs and Montenegrins from Kosovo and Metohija
(Results of the Survey Conducted by Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in 1985-1986. In English.)

This sociological study clearly shows that it is not true that Serbs were leaving Kosovo in the 80ies only in search of better employment. The migration of Serbs to central Serbia was primarily influenced by everyday terror and discrimination conducted by Kosovo Albanians who held the most important position in the Kosovo autonomy.

First World War
A pro-Serbian poster in Britain, 1916
Serbian soldier is surrounded by a German, Austrian and a Bulgarian soldier (from the back). At that time Vidovdan - June 28 - was not considered a nationalistic feastday as it is by many in the West today but as a day of solidarity with Serbian people
Kosovo Albanian Nazism, WW2
"To create an ethnically pure Shqiptar Kosovo, which Albanian called "Kosova", the Shqiptari (Albanians) launched a widescale campaigns of ethnic cleansing and genocide. Ethnic Serbs in the Kosovo-Metohija regions were massacred, and their homes were burned, and survivors were brutally driven out and expelled in policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide. The Balli Kombetar (BK or National Union) was an Albanian nationalist group led by Midhat Fresheri and Ali Klissura whose political objective was to in incorporate Kosovo-Metohija into a Greater Albania and to ethnically cleanse the region ofOrthodox Serbs " Carl Savich
SS Skenderbey Division
On September 3rd, 1943, when Italy capitulated the German were forced to occupy Albania. They sent in the 100th Jaeger Division from Greece and the 297th Infantry Division from Serbia and the German 1st Mountain Division to occupy Albania, including Kosovo. These troops were organized into the XXI Mountain Corps which was under the command of General Paul Bader. However, the German's realised that additional security forces for Kosovo were needed, as Germans troops would be need for for defense of Albania's coastline. Thus, the decision was made to form Albanian Skanderbeg division for this purpose. Acting upon instructions of the SS war criminal Henrich Himmler, the SS ordered the formation of the Albanian Skanderbeg SS Division on April 17th, 1944. The SS Command in Albania, in conduction with the Albanian National Committee, found some 11,398 possible recruits for the Skanderbeg SS division - most of whom were from Albanian gendarmes, special police and para-military units in Kosovo that were under the direct control of the Albanian Interior Minister Xhafer Deva.

The Holocaust in Kosovo - Sean Mac Mathuna and John Heathcote - This Web Page is focusing on the Nazism among Albanians, especially in Kosovo during the WWII. Under the support of Nazi Germany and Islamic pro-Nazi circles from the Middle East Kosovo Albanian Nazis organized persecutions of Orthodox Serbs and Jews. our link
Skenderbey SS Division Sent Pristina Jews to Bergen Belsen
In fact, one of the first acts of the SS Skanderbeg division in April 1944 was the arresting of 281 Jews in Pristina, and "510 Jews, Communists, Partisans and individual suspects". According to Bernard J. Fischer, writing in Albania at War, 1939-1945 (Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, Indians, USA, 1999, p. 187). All 281 Jews were deported to Germany - probably to Bergen-Belsen death camp.... The Jewish population of Yugoslavia today is estimated to be 2500 with most of them living in Belgrade. The recent conflict in Kosovo has ironically led to the exodus of the last of the remaining Jews of Kosovo - something that didn't even happen in the last war in 1941.
THE INTERVIEW WITH THE LEADER OF THE KOSOVO JEWISH COMMUNITYGlobe and Mail: Targets of terrorism, Pristina's Jews forced to flee, Aug 31, 99JCM, Jews and Kosovo Crisis, March 2000

Believe it or not, the Liberal Jews really did this - commentary by Dr. Gerhard Falk - "Now, the Serbs were victimized as much by the Nazi invaders of their country as were the Jews. There is no evidence that the Jews of Serbia were ever molested, let alone murdered, until the Germans and their Croat allies did so in the Jasenovac camp beginning in 1941. In fact, Serbia became a safe haven for allied airmen shot down over occuped Yugoslavia during the second world war, in that many a Serb family hid such allied aviators from the Nazi occupiers. Likewise, Serbs went out of their way to help their Jewish compatriots during the Nazi horrors."
WW2 Genocide - Albanian SS Skenderbey Division - an important historical analysis of the development of Nazism among Albanians and forming of the infamous SS Skenderbey Division. - Many times Germans had to restrain their Moslem allies: "Bedri Pejani, the Muslim leader of the Albanian National Committee, called for the extermination of Orthodox Serbian Christians in Kosovo-Metohija and for a union of a Greater Albania with Bosnia-Hercegovina and the Rashka (Sandzak) region of Serbia into a Greater Islamic State. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el Husseini, was presented the Pejani plan which he approved as being in the interest of Islam. The Germans,however, rejected the plan".
EC: The Roots of Kosovo's Faschism, by George Thompson - another essay "Kosovo Albanian nationalist militias called the "Balli Kombetar" (or "Ballistas") carried out a campaign of deportation and murder of Serbs in 1943 and 1944. Then, on Hitler’s express order, the Germans formed the 21st "Waffen-Gebirgs Division der SS" - the Skanderbeg Division. With German leaders and Kosovo Albanian officers and troops, Hitler’s hoped that using the Skanderbergs Germany could "achieve its well-known political objective" of creating a viable (i.e., pure) "Greater Albania" including Kosovo".

Ethnic Albanian Nazis massacred 10.000 Serbs in Kosovo during the WW2
Scenes of crimes
Eyewitness to Genocide in Kosovo: Kosovo-Metohija and the Skenderbeg Division I was only 11 years old when Hitleris Division 'Skanderbeg' and 'Prinz Eugen' burned down the village of Velika and killed about 428 persons. Our family paid a heavy price that day - Radoje Knezevic, a Serb from Kosovo and Metohija
Tetovo and Greater Albania Tetovo between 1941-1944, by Carl Savich. The truth about events during the Nazi occupation of today's Macedonia. As well as in Kosovo, Albanian Nazis of Skenderbey SS division commited crimes against Slav population. - "The Skanderbeg SS Division crossed into Macedonia and occupied Tetovo and Skopje in the early part of September, 1944. The purpose for the occupation was to garrison Macedonia and safeguard the retreat of German troops from Greece and the Aegean peninsula".
nazi demo
Pro-nazi Albanian demonstration
Many people in the world do not know that Albanians sided with Nazis in the WWII
and launched severe persecutions of Orthodox Slavs in occupied Kosovo and Macedonia
Persecution of the Church by the Albanian Extremists in the Past

The History is Repeating
 The story of the suffering of the Serbian Orthodox people
in Kosovo and Metohija

Desecrated Orthodox Graveyard 1987
Desecrated Serbian Orthodox Monuments and Graveyards 1987

The Burning of the Patriarchate in Pec 1981

 Destruction of Devic Monastery 1941

Suffering of Christians - Requiem for the Serb beheaded by an Albanian 1903

The Virgin of Ljevis Cathedral was converted into a mosque

 An Albanian Extremist Killing an Orthoedox Priest in 1941
Destruction of Christian Orthodox churches, desecration of graveyards and
murders of the clergy were often used as a method by Albanian Moslem extremists
to blot out all traces of the Serbian presence in Kosovo

Letters of the Serbian Consul, Pristina 1894-1895 Three letters by Consul Branislav Nusic showing the oppression under which the Serbs lived in the closing years of the Ottoman Moslem rule in Kosovo

Kosovo problem as seen by NYT journalist David Binder in 1987Kosovo for Absolute BeginnersThe press in the West regularly reported about the mistreatment of Serbs by the Albanian majority in the time prior to Milosevic. A story about century long Albanian suffering in Kosovo under Serbs was created as a result of general propaganda in the time of Kosovo war.
International Press on Kosovo in the time before Milosevic came to power
From this selection of articles one can see that the treatement of the Kosovo problem was quite different before and that the troubles of Kosovo Serbs in the Albanian dominated Autonomous Province of Kosovo were a concrete and serious problem and not a fiction as it is usually dismissed now
Albanian Appetites in the Balkans
unification of all "Albanian lands"

The map issued by Pan-Albanian nationalists with the marked areas claimed by Albanians as their "historic territory": Kosovo - South Serbia - Macedonia (FYROM) ....What comes next?
Albania in the above-mentioned borders has never historically existed except in a short period of Nazi rule in the WW2. Nevertheless migrations of Albanians since Middle Ages to the Serb, Slav-Macedonian and Greek inhabited territories have created a basis for today's territorial and political claims. No need to mention that in the territories out of today's Republic Albania there are no ethnic Albanian cultural monuments older than 19th century, while on the other hand the territories of the Serbian province of Kosovo, today's Macedonia and nothern Greece abound in many Serbian and Greek Orthodox monasteries and churches. The same stands for the toponyms which remain even today predomninantly Slav, even in some parts of today's Albania. The cultural heritage shows the best that the present expansion of Albanian, mostly Moslem, population is a result of expansionistiuc goal to find the Lebensraum for the increasing population. But the history cannot be falsified as it is based not on theoretic presumptions but on material evidences.
Kosovo, Serbian Issue and the Greater Albania Project by Slavenko Terzic, Historical Institute SANU
Greater Albania Ideology Explained by Carl Savich - another attempt to analyse the idea of Greater Albania.
The Times, Fears of Plan For Ethnic States, Aug 7, 2001 The British daily speaks of a plan of unification of "all Albanian inhabited territories" which is slowly emerging as a major threat to the Balkans
Serbian History and Culture
The Internet Library

A rich collection of internet articles, studies and books on Serb culture, history, archeology, art, music ethnography, literature, linguistics, theatre, film in ENGLISH
Online Encyclopedia of Serbia
One of new Serbian Sites devoted to the Serbian Medieval History. Many texts are already available in English too. Serbian medieval history is one of the periods in which this area experienced its greatest cultural and spiritual development

Important Serbian Orthodox Monuments in Kosovo and Metohija

Monasteries of Kosovo and Metohia

The Art of Decani MonasteryThe Art of Gracanica Monastery
The Art of the Patriarchate of PecThe Holy Virgin of Ljevis Cathedral 
The Art of Banjska MonasteryThe Art of the Holy Archangels'

The Diocese of Raska and Prizren

The coronation of Emperor Dusan in Skopje
Coronation of Emperor Dusan by Paja Jovanovic, 19th century

The Wedding of Emperor Dusan, Paja Jovanovic, 19th century
Emperor Stefan Dusan

Dinasty of Nemanjic, 14th cent.
Serbian Medieval Dinasty of Nemanjic, Decani fresco 14th century
(nine standing images: 1 row: St. Sava, St. Nemanja, St. Stefan the First Crowned
2nd row: St. Kings: Dragutin, Milutin and Uros I
3rd row: St. Uros the Feeble, Emperor Dusan, St. King Stefan of Decani
click for a larger size image

 The Destroyed Church With a Bell Tower

Desecrated Heritage

The ruins of the Orthodox church in Suva Reka 

 The Monastery of St. Mark in Korisa

The Church Was Mined in a Professional Way
The Cry of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohia, Bishop Atanasije Jevtic - A prayer and confession of our eminent Bishop and theologian
Destruction of Churches and Monasteries in Post-war Kosovo - Scenes of barbarism
 Kosovo As It is... 
True face of post-war - internationally governed Kosovo province
 Suffering of Kosovo Serbs in Post War KosovoSUFFERING OF KOSOVO SERBS IN POST WAR KOSOVO

A few more related Sites

Belgrade Visual Tour Photos of the Serbian Capital. Despite 5 centuries of Ottoman rule and 50 years of communism Serbian capital has fully retained its original European Christian appearance.
Civilian Deaths in the NATO Air Campaign
 Truth about the "humanitarian war" in which many civilian targets were deliberately bombed in order to destroty the moral of the Serb nation.
Time of Temptations

By kosovo.net

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