måndag 10 januari 2011

The Unholy U.S./Moslim Alliance

The Unholy U.S./Moslim Alliance
Israpundit ^ | Nov 27/10 | Ted Belman 
Posted on Sun Nov 28 2010 14:18:54 GMT+0100 (V�steuropa, normaltid) by tedbel
Dennis ”Avi” Lipkin, a Jew, in his book, Israel’s Bible Bloc, explained how he got over his hatred of Christians and came to embrace them as Israel’s best friend.
In 1991, as the IDF spokesperson, he was invited to speak to the Dallas Council on World Affairs. They were part of the famous or infamous Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He writes,
    “These are the people who control the economy of the US and the World. These are faceless people who decide who the President of the United States will be as well as leaders of other countries. They control the banks corporations and oil companies that control the world.”
The CFR includes among its members the power elites in both the Democrat and Republican parties and they include most Presidential nominees. They support world government and globalization. They are building a modern day Tower of Babel which denies American sovereignty and the supremacy of God from which our inalienable rights come in favour of a secular socialist utopia. Pres Obama is a member of CFR.
Lipkin spoke eloquently on how Israel had already returned 93% of the conquered land and on Israel’s need to keep the rest. Afterwards, he was invited into the “woodshed” with about 20 members of the Council.

    “You are a great IDF spokesman but you don’t know the realities. We here of the Dallas Council on World Affairs, are going to teach you realities.“First reality: America is tired of paying for your wars. Israel is going to make peace with the Palestinians whether it likes it or not. We don’t care if you have already handed over to the Arabs side 93% of the land you took in your wars.

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